New Term

We’ve had a great first week at Pre School, lovely to see all the children back after the summer holidays and we welcome all our new children.  If you have any questions regarding Pre School please speak to your child’s key person.

On the parent notice board there is information regarding what the children will be doing at Pre School each week.  We also have a Facebook page that is regularly updated with upcoming events and information.

Summer holidays are here!

We had a lovely evening last night at pre-school for the ‘Flying Fish’ graduation, everyone at pre-school would like to wish all the ‘Flying Fish’ lots of happiness and fun on their next adventure to school.

Thank you to all the committee and parents for their continued support of pre-school throughout the year.

We return to Pre-school on Tuesday 6th September, we wish you all a lovely summer holiday.



Thank you

A big thank you to Kelvin Teague (Layla’s dad) who has ran the London Marathon for us in April and raised £550.  This will go towards a wooden Kitchen for outside, a new bike and scooter.  Thank you to everyone that sponsored Kelvin.