Picnic in the Park

We would like to invite everyone to join us for a ‘Picnic in the Park’ at Greenslade Park on Friday 10th June at 12.30pm to celebrate the Queens Birthday.

Those children not at Pre School on Friday afternoons must be accompanied by an adult. Please bring a pack lunch.

It would be great if you could also wear a home made hat, we look forward to seeing your creations!

We hope you have had a good half term

The London Marathon and Portreath Pre-School

On the 24th of April I will be running the London Marathon which is a small village in England somewhere, and the equivalent to running 2 half-marathons! 26.2 miles to be precise!

As i was lucky enough to secure a place on the ballot entry, I don’t have to run for a specific charity.  However i thought this would be a good opportunity to support our local pre-school, where 2 out of 3 children have attended (the third will be there soon enough!)

Portreath Pre-school, like many pre-schools is run by a charity and managed by a committee made up of parents of children attending the pre-school and members of the local community.

The pre-school relies a lot on donations.  The money is put towards new toys and resources for the children, as well as improvements to the pre-school which benefit the children’s learning experiences.

I am incredibly grateful to the pre-school for the hard work that they do for all of the children, and thankful also to you sponsoring me to run the London Marathon so i can donate to this great charity.

Please also see our gofundme.com/47vag364 page as well as the pre-school facebook page


I will keep you informed as to how i get on!!

Kelvin Teague

(Dad of Layla Teague – age 2 and a half)