Carols around the Tree

On Saturday 19th December the PIC and Portreath Arms will be hosting Carols around the Tree.

Come and join the village for this annual event. There will be traditional carols accompanied by Redruth town band, mulled wine, juice, mince pies and crisps. 7pm at Portreath Arms. They have asked if the children would sing some of their Christmas songs,  it would be lovely to have as many as the pre-school children there to sing, siblings also welcome to come and sing.



Friday 11th December

Just a reminder we need to know how many children are going to be seeing Santa on the 11th December please bring your slips back into pre-school.

The list for the hamper is on the notice board inside pre-schoool thank you to all the parents that have put their name down so far, there are still some items that are needed.  All the children should have brought a book of raffle tickets home with them, if you need anymore please ask Clare or Emma.

Thank you again for all your support and helping to raise money for resources for pre-school

Childcare Survey for Parents

Dear Childcare Provider


Under the new duties of the Children and Families Act 2014, the Local Authority must provide an annual report regarding childcare sufficiency.  Each year we will be asking parents to complete a survey to tell us, anonymously if they prefer, if childcare in Cornwall meets their requirements.


I would like your assistance in promoting the survey to your parents, by forwarding this email to contacts and putting the link on your websites/Facebook page.


Childcare Survey for Parents – Open until 15 January 16



Your help is appreciated


Rebecca Patterson


Team Leader

Family Information Service


Education, Health and Social Care Directorate

Cornwall Council

Tel: 0800 587 8191

Mobile: 07966 862627

Room 242, 39 Penwinnick Road, St Austell PL25 5DR