Easy Fundraising

When you are Christmas shopping online help raise money for Pre-school.  After you have made your purchase, the retailer will make a donation to us at no extra cost.  This can also be done anytime throughout the year.

Join, shop and raise here:  www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/portreathpreschool/


Portreath Pre-School Committee

Dear Parents / Carers


You may not be aware that your Pre-School is a charity funded organisation run by a committee made up of parents who kindly volunteer to help.

From November we will need new parents to join us to replace those moving on.


Without a committee – to put it simply – the Pre-School cannot run!!


As a committee member you would need to attend approximately 6 meetings a year (usually held at the Portreath Arms!)

We have lots of fun raising money to buy much needed equipment and resources to benefit our children.


cake sale


We also try to get together for social evenings, so if you are new to the Pre-school and would like to get to know a few mums and staff this could be right up your street.


We are planning a cake sale as our 1st fundraiser for this term on Fri 16th Oct at 3pm. Please come along and speak to some current committee members to find out more


The AGM will be held on Wednesday 4th November 7pm in conjunction with a parents evening, to vote in the new committee.


Thank you for your support


Portreath Pre School Committee