Below you can find all the events at the school
Below you can find all the events at the school
We are holding a fundraising evening on Friday 11th December at The Millennium Hall from 5.30 – 7pm This will be an evening to enjoy for all the family. There will be Santa’s Grotto £1.50, Christmas Hampers to be…
Our Christmas fundraising evening will take place on Friday 11th December at the Millennium Hall. 5.30pm – 7pm. This evening is for all the children and their family. There will be Santa’s Grotto, Christmas hampers to be won, mince pies…
First fundraiser of the year We will be holding a cake sale on Friday 16th October at 3pm. Donation of cakes greatly appreciated
Friday 16th October there will be a collection from ‘Bags 2 School’. They pay schools and charities for bags of jumble, please fill as many bags as possible, we have bags a pre-school please speak to a member of staff…